Vaibhav Behl

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td;dr Enthusiastic about all things technical, love to code, budding interest in data science thanks to Kaggle!

Recent Projects
NOTE: the website contents are not updated, see resume in ‘ABOUT’ section above for updated details.

; my github repo ;

Kaggle - Walmart Trip Type Classification

Kaggle - How much did it rain-II

Yelp dataset - Predict Rating of User Reviews

    Classification of user reviews using the text from the review. Extracted various features from text and applied NaiveBayes, Logistic Regression, SVM and Random Forests. Team project for class 544.

Matlab Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms

    Implemented popular regression and classification algorithms like Linear Regression, KNN, NaiveBayes, Logistic Regression, K-means, SVM, PCA.

Socialytics - mining social interactions

    This app scans user's interaction data from Facebook Graph API and computes their top social connections using features like- picture tags, conversations, likes, etc. Download from Google Playstore!

University of Southern California

Aug 2015 - May 2017 | M.S. Computer Science - GPA 3.82 / 4.00

- CSCI-567 Machine Learning, Prof. Yan Liu, Grade: A-
- CSCI-544 Applied Natural Language Processing, Prof. Mark Core and Prof. Kallirroi Georgila, Grade: A

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Delhi, India

Aug 2007 - May 2011 | B.Tech. Information Technology


USC Computer Science Dept.

Jan 2016 - Present | Student Researcher, Machine Learning and Data Mining Lab - Prof. Yan Liu

  • Currently working with USC’s Bio Mechanics department on a dataset to categorize the force generated while using a Manually-Propelled Wheelchair.

PTC & Servigistics India

July 2011 - Aug 2015 | Senior Software Specialist

  • Worked as a full-stack developer on a Software Product which optimized the pricing of service parts for clients like BMW, GM, Daimler and Nissan.
  • Improved the UI grid-filtering framework which was used across products.
  • Used query optimization and multi-threaded workflows to deal with large databases.
  • Followed the best design practices and SCRUM guidelines.
  • Also worked as Tech Lead on some web-based projects for both clients and internal use.


Mar 2013 - Aug 2013 | Technical Consultant (part-time)

  • Built a live-TV mobile application. Coded the android app and also deployed web-services to Heroku(cloud).
  • Wrote programs to mine the latest trends on social media and analyze their popularity.